Sabtu, 20 September 2014


Cinta Al-Qur’an di Rumah Biru
                Butiran air dingin menetes di pagi hari yang hampa, ku cuba berjalan langkah demi langkah untuk menggapai cita-cita, itulah aku. Berteduh di rumah biru yang penuh rasa haru dan rindu kepada sang ibu, ku coba untuk menuntut ilmu meskipun penuh rasa galau dan pilu.
              Ku merasa bangga meskipun sedikit hampa berteduh di rumah biru ini. Di sini ku dilatih untuk hidup mandiri dan hemat meskipun ku anggap ini adalah suatu hal yang berat. Ku coba untuk kuat tetapi makin lama makin berat. Ku coba untuk taat tetapi makin lama makin ketat aturan yang dibuat.
                Dari desa terpencil di pelosok negeri asri, ku berhijrah ke kota sejuta bunga untuk menjadi pemimpin negeri ini dengan islami. Satu tahun, dua tahun, terasa singkat bagiku. Ku coba kontinu dalam mempelajari, memahami, mengamalkan dan menghafalkan ayat demi ayat dari kitab suci dari sang Rabbi.
                Sering kali bisikan setan menjadi rintangan dan tantangan bagiku. Rasa malas dan rasa mengantuk sering menghantuiku setiap saat untuk lebih dekat kepada sang Rabbi. Rasa senang, bahagia, bangga dan meneduhkan jiwa ketika ku dengar ayat-ayat-Nya.
                Di rumah biru ini ku coba untuk belajar setia dan cinta kepada kitab-Nya. Setiap hari ustadzku mengajar, mendidik dan menasehatiku untuk mencintai kitab dari sang Rabbi. Dan sering pula menasehatiku untuk mengejar cita-cita yang telah tertanam didalam hatiku, “Dimana ada niat, pasti Allah akan memberikan jalannya. Sesunggunnya Allah itu sesuai dengan prasangka hambanya, jika hambanya berprasangka baik maka Allah pun akan demikian. Dan jika hambanya berprasangka buruk maka Allah pun akan juga demikian”. Kata ustadzku dalam menasehatiku. Nasehat-nasehat dari sang ustadz itu memberikan motivasi bagiku, supaya menjadi orang yang sukses serta dekat kepada Allah dengan cinta kepada kitab-Nya.
                Di rumah biru ini pula ku dididik  oleh seorang pengasuh yang tegas, keras dan disiplin. Beliau adalah seorang perempuan yang bijaksana, yang sedang mengabdi kepada sang Rabbi. Sering kali ku dimarahi olehnya, padahal aku tidak berbuat kesalahan. Apalagi ku berbuat kesalahan pasti ku dimarahi habis-habisan. Hal itu sering membuatku gelisah, jengkel dan frustasi. Ku beerusaha untuk membuatnya sebagai suatu pengalaman dan pembelajaran untuk tidak menyimpang. Meskipun demikian beliau sering menasehatiku untuk hidup sederhana, “Janganlah kamu kebanyakan makan dan tidur, karena sesungguhnya orang yang kebanyakan makan dan tidur itu cenderung otak akan bundel dan tidak bisa berfikir”. Kata sang pengasuh dalam menasehatiku.
                 Setiap akhir bulan ku pulang ke rumah bapak dan ibu. Di saat ku di rumah, sering kali bapak dan ibuku bertengkar hanya dengan masalah yang sepele. Dan sering pula ibuku bertengkar dengan kakak ku hanya dengan masalah yang sepele pula. Hal itulah yang menjadikan keluargaku berantakan dan tidak harmonis, dan hal itu pula sering membuatku menangis, tetepi rasa menangis itu sering ku bendung dalam hati. Meskipun demikian, ibuku sering menasehatiku untuk hidup sederhana dan prihatin, “Nak, janganlah kamu hidup senang-senang, janganlah kamu hidup aneh-aneh dan janganlah kamu berpacaran, karena pacaran itu akan merusak masa depanmu. Prihatinlah kamu supaya sukses”. Kata ibu dalam menasehatiku dengan pelan dan sedih. Sering kali nasehat itu teringat dalam pikiranku dan membuatku menagis dalam hati. Ku berusaha untuk menaati nasehat itu dan ku akan berusaha membahagiakannya.
                Di sekolah sering kali ku merasa iri dengan teman-temanku. Di saat teman-temanku memakai Handphone yang bagus, sepatu yang bagus, tas yang bagus, jam tangan yang bagus, bahkan sepeda motor yang bagus, ku berusaha untuk tidak iri. Di saat teman-temanku membawa uang saku yang banyak, ku berusaha untuk tidak iri. Di saat teman-temanku banyak yang mempunyai pacar, ku berusaha untuk tidak iri. Itu semua ku lakukan semata-mata karena ku takut kepada sang Rabbi dan igin menaati nasehat dari sang ibu.
                Semua rintangan dan tantangan ku lalui dan ku hancurkan dengan mencintai Al-Qur’an. Di saat ku susah ku baca Al-Qur’an, di saat ku gelisah ku baca Al-Qur’an dan di saat ku ada masalah ku baca Al-Qur’an. Ku ingin membahagiakan kedua orang tuaku dengan mencintai Al-Qur’an, karena Al-Qur’an akan memberikan syafaat di hari kiamat. Ku ingin mencintai Al-Qur’an dengan menghafalnya. Ku berusaha menghafal Al-Qur’an ayat demi ayat. Ku mempunyai cita-cita yang kuat untuk bisa menjadi pemimpin bangsa yang selalu cinta Al-Qur’an serta setia kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya.

Minggu, 07 September 2014

Save Palestine, Save Gaza. Pray for Palestine, Pray for Gaza

Save Palestine, Save Gaza. Pray for Palestine, Pray for Gaza
Bismillahirahman nirrahim
I am writing this to the brutal Israelis who have been taking the right of many Palestinians to live and their supporters.
Before reading this please be aware that this is not subjected to my Israelis friends who have pure hearts to support the suffered Palestinians and against their government and This has nothing to do with Jewish-Muslim thing so this also is not subjected to any Jewish. I have many Jewish friends who are practicing Judaism, The Rabbi and the temple’s members. We are praying in our way for the peace between Israel and Palestine.
First of all, I believe there is no religion teaching its followers to start a war, to kill and to take others right. So, if anyone see anybody does those bad things, that means “He is NOT practicing his religion”. So STOP pointing on any religion for human action!
and as human START be aware that you are what you belongs to, people will see you based on to which family you are belong, your nationality, your religion, your education, your alumni and so on. So once you start thinking of doing bad thing, please be considered of the side effects that you will cause to what you are belongs to.
Let’s be objective
Watching what happen in Gaza recently must have broken many hearts. Of course for those who have been following the news this news isn’t an odd scene at all cause it’s been happening since looooooong time ago. But where is the justice. I know only God (Allah SWT) who can be just and save those people who have been suffered both in Israel and Palestine side. But we can always do something (at least praying), especially the worldwide country leaders. We must find the way to stop this conflict. Some people said, even the holy book says that this war will have no end till the doomsday. Still, it is not the reason to not doing anything and just watch and wait till the doomsday come. Well, we’re not then just kill ourself coz we’re gonna die anyway right? We try to survive, live healthy life. Living life to the fullest. Same thing with this conflict. We need to do our best to help them solve the conflict.
This conflict is not easy for any side (both Israel and Palestine). This is not easy for Israelis who have always been in fear and stress to find a shelter to save their life. Israel do have the Iron Dome (Read: but once you hear the rockets flying in your air, there always fear of what if the missile hit your area and kills your family and friends so again it is not easy for Israelis. And what about for Palestinians? It even worse, because they have nothing on their sky. No radar, no dome, nothing to intercept any rocket. Every inch they move to save their life can end up to be their grave yard. Sad right? Well most of us will be on Palestinians because they are HELPLESS including me. I am forever with Palestine. But, I fully realize that it is not easy to be Israelis as well, how come it is easy to see your government killing others brutally and take others right to live in their own land. Believe it or not, many Israelis agreed to share the land in the same way (based on UN 1967 border ) and believed that “Palestinian no need their (Israelis) permission to have a state” (Read:
Well.. So what is the problem?
the problem is the Israel government and its supporters country who keep occupying and taking Palestinians right. It is stupid when you scream and shout about “ANTY BULLYING” and you just let what happen in Gaza. Keep telling that Palestinians deserved the torture coz they start throwing the missile first. Come on dude, your land is illegally occupied by other country, you don’t even have enough access to clean water, medical service, good education, appropriate housings and not even having an airport?! can you live like that? OPEN YOUR EYES. Maybe you guys don’t know how hard it is to get independence of your own land. Me as Indonesian, I knew ENOUGH because my country struggled hundreds of years to be free to be an independent country. WE DON’T OCCUPY OTHERS LAND TO BE AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY WE FIGHT FOR IT. And you know what, not only Indonesia, many other countries also fight and shed their blood to be independent. So is it odd what Palestine does right now? is it wrong to fight to be free? is it wrong to fight for your future generation so they can play safely outside, get a good education, find good jobs, eat good foods and go to a good hospital when they get sick?
Call your heart people! Shame on you who still think that Palestinians deserve the suffer.
I am on Palestinian side not because I am muslim and not because I close my eyes and just agree with whatever Hammas has done to Israelis. If Hammas start the war, if they kill the innocent, if the occupy Israel, I will scream as well to save Israel to free Israel, If Israel is on Palestinian position. Sorry for Israelis who feel that the world didn’t see that they are suffering as well, sorry to Israelis mother who lose their children because of the conflict, sorry for those who lose their families and friends. We do feel the lose and the pain but I know that you also know and agree with me that the way your government called “payback” to what Palestinians fighters have done is not right and unjust. Unjust for Palestinian and for you innocent Israelis as well. Believe me, you will do exactly the same thing if you were in Palestinian position. I know you know coz you guys also fight your government’s act and called them to stop, thank you for doing that.